Tuesday, March 23, 2010

UK may be fined for air pollution

The Independent reports on the failure of the UK to cut local air pollution in line with the requirements set by the EU. As a result of air pollution more than 50,000 people die sooner than they might. The report mentions nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates and ozone as the most damaging pollutants. Much of the pollution is transport related. We are told that our air quality is 'shameful'. Although health messages about obesity, passive smoking and alcohol have been well-funded, the issue of air pollution, which costs the NHS a similar amount, has hardly been mentioned. The government is expected to ask for more time to meet the limits. A similar request to give Greater London more time to meet the targets was rejected by the EU in December after DEFRA was unable to prove the city had worked hard to meet the target. In the meantime the potential for pollution related chronic illness remains.

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